
This contractual document shall govern the General Terms and Conditions of contracting services (hereinafter referred to as the “Conditions”) through the website, owned by NEVENTECH under the commercial brand NEVENTECH, hereinafter referred to as the “PROVIDER,” whose contact information is also provided in the Legal Notice of this website.

These Conditions will remain published on the website for the USER to reproduce and save as confirmation of the contract, and may be modified at any time by the PROVIDER. It is the responsibility of the USER to read them periodically, as the applicable conditions will be those in force at the time of placing orders.

Contracts shall not be subject to any formality except for cases expressly indicated in the Civil and Commercial Codes and in this or other special laws.

Acceptance of this document implies that the USER:

  • Has read, understands, and comprehends the content herein.
  • Is a person with sufficient capacity to contract.
  • Assumes all obligations set forth herein.

These conditions will have an indefinite validity period and will apply to all contracts made through the PROVIDER’s website.

The PROVIDER informs that it is aware of and complies with current legislation and reserves the right to unilaterally modify the conditions, without affecting the terms and conditions implemented prior to the modification.

Identity of the contracting parties

On one side, the PROVIDER of the services contracted by the USER is NEVENTECH, with registered office at Lugar Taibo, 1, 15160, Sada (A Coruña), VAT number B-56309818.

And on the other side, the USER, registered on the website through an email and password, for which they are fully responsible for use and custody, and are responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided to the PROVIDER.

Object of the contract

This contract aims to regulate the contractual relationship of sale arising between the PROVIDER and the USER at the moment the USER accepts the corresponding checkbox during the online contracting process.

The contractual sales relationship involves the delivery, in exchange for a specified and publicly displayed price on the website, of a specific service.

Rectification of data

If the USER identifies errors in the data published on the website or in the documents generated by the contractual relationship, they may notify it to the email ……………………. so that NEVENTECH corrects them as soon as possible.

The USER may keep their data updated by accessing their user account.

Contracting procedure

To access the services offered by the PROVIDER, the USER must be of legal age and register through the website by creating a user account. Therefore, the USER must provide, freely and voluntarily, the personal data requested, which will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), regarding the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 (LOPDGDD), regarding the protection of personal data, detailed in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of this website.

The USER will choose an email and a password, committing to use them diligently and not to make them available to third parties, as well as to notify the PROVIDER in case of loss or theft or possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that the PROVIDER proceeds to immediate blocking.

Once the user account has been created, it is informed that, according to the requirements of Article 27 of Law 34/2002, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the contracting procedure will follow these steps:

  1. General contracting clauses.
  2. Activation of services.
  3. Right of withdrawal.
  4. Complaints and online dispute resolution.
  5. Force majeure.
  6. Jurisdiction
  7. Offer specifics.
  8. Price and validity period of the offer.
  9. Shipping costs.
  10. Payment method, charges, and discounts.
  11. Purchase process.
  12. Dissociation and suspension or termination of the contract.
  13. Guarantees and returns.
  14. Applicable law and jurisdiction.



Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, placing an order with the PROVIDER implies the USER’s acceptance of these legal conditions. No stipulation made by the USER may differ from those of the PROVIDER unless expressly accepted in advance and in writing by the PROVIDER.


The PROVIDER will not activate any service until it has verified that the payment has been made.

As the order does not involve the physical delivery of any product, with the contracted services being downloaded or activated directly from the website, the PROVIDER will inform the USER in advance of the procedure to follow for this download or activation.

Failure to perform the distance contract

In the case of service provision, it will be available from the moment the USER has made the payment for it and can be downloaded or activated according to the PROVIDER’s conditions.

If the contract does not involve the physical delivery of any product but an activation or download on a website, the PROVIDER will inform the USER in advance of the procedure to follow for this download.

In the event that the contract cannot be executed because the contracted service is not available within the specified period, the USER will be informed of the lack of availability and will be authorized to cancel the order and receive a full refund without any cost, without any liability for damages and losses attributable to the PROVIDER.

In case of unjustified delay on the part of the PROVIDER regarding the full refund, the USER may claim to be paid twice the amount owed, without prejudice to their right to be compensated for damages and losses suffered beyond that amount.

The PROVIDER will not assume any responsibility when the download or activation of the service is not carried out because the data provided by the USER is false, inaccurate, or incomplete.

The provision of the service will be considered completed at the moment the USER has downloaded or activated the service.


The USER has a period of fourteen calendar days, counted from the date of receipt of the product or from the conclusion of the sales contract if it is a provision of a service, to exercise the right of withdrawal, regulated in Article 102 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, hereinafter RDL 1/2007. If the PROVIDER does not comply with the duty of information and documentation on the right of withdrawal, the period for its exercise will end twelve months after the expiration date of the initial withdrawal period, in accordance with Article 105 of RDL 1/2007.

The right of withdrawal will not apply to contracts referred to and enumerated in Article 103 of RDL 1/2007, which are listed here.

Any return must be communicated to the PROVIDER, requesting a return number through the form provided for this purpose, or by email to, indicating the corresponding invoice or order number.

If the return is not made with the original delivery packaging, the PROVIDER may charge a cost of 5.00 EUROS to the USER, informing them in advance through the same communication channel used.


Any complaint that the USER considers appropriate will be attended to as soon as possible and can be made to the following contact addresses:

Postal: NEVENTECH, Lugar Taibo, 1, 15160, Sada (A Coruña) Email:

The PROVIDER undertakes to seek a friendly agreement with the USER.

In addition, if a dispute arises in the online environment regarding contractual obligations derived from sales or services contracts between the PROVIDER and the USER, the PROVIDER will offer the user the online dispute resolution platform provided by the European Commission, which is accessible at the following link:


Neither party will be liable for any breach of the contract in case of force majeure. Fulfillment of the obligation will be delayed until the cessation of the cause of force majeure.


The USER may not assign, transfer, or transmit the rights, responsibilities, and obligations contracted in the sale.

If any provision of these conditions were considered null or impossible to fulfill, the validity, legality, and compliance of the rest will not be affected in any way, nor will they be modified in any way.

The USER declares to have read, understood, and accepted these Conditions in their entirety.


All sales made by the PROVIDER will be subject to these Conditions.

No modification, alteration, or agreement contrary to NEVENTECH’s Commercial Proposal or stipulated here will have effect unless expressly agreed in writing and signed by the PROVIDER; in this case, these specific agreements will prevail.

Given the continuous technical advances and improvements in services, the PROVIDER reserves the right to modify specifications regarding the information provided in its advertising until it affects the value of the services offered. These modifications will also be valid in case, for any reason, the possibility of supplying the offered services is affected.


The prices indicated for each service include Value Added Tax (VAT) or other applicable taxes. These prices, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include shipping or communication expenses, handling, packaging, shipping insurance, or any other additional services related to the purchased service.

The prices applicable to each service are those published on the website and will be expressed in the EURO currency. The USER acknowledges that the economic assessment of some services may vary in real-time.

Before making the purchase, you can check online all the details of the quote: services, quantities, price, availability, charges, discounts, taxes, and the total purchase amount. Prices may change daily until the order is placed.

Once the order is placed, prices will remain the same, whether the service is available or not.

Every payment made to the PROVIDER entails the issuance of an invoice in the name of the registered USER or the business name provided at the time of placing the order. This invoice will be delivered in paper format at the time of providing the service. The invoice can be downloaded in PDF format by accessing the website’s management panel with the user account. If you want to receive it by email, you must request it through any of the means provided by the PROVIDER, informing you that you can revoke this decision at any time.

For any information about the order, the USER can contact via email at


9.1 Any entry you purchase will remain the property of the Promoter and is a revocable personal license that can be withdrawn, denying admission at any time. If this happens, you will be refunded the sale price of the withdrawn entry or for which access is denied (including corresponding entry management fees but excluding order processing fees).

9.2 Policies set by our Promoters may prevent us from issuing replacement tickets for any lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed tickets. For example, in shows without seats where the original and replacement tickets can be used, it could compromise the allowed capacity of the venue. If replacement tickets are issued, reasonable administration fees may be charged.

9.3 Upon receiving your tickets, keep them in a safe place. We will not be responsible for any lost or stolen tickets. Note that direct exposure to sunlight or heat can sometimes damage tickets. The ticket should be kept in a dry place, away from heat, without contact with plastics or magnetic fields.

9.4 It is your responsibility to check your tickets; errors are not always rectifiable, although before starting the contracting process, we will inform you of the technical means available to identify and correct errors in data entry.

9.5 You are entitled only to a seat of a value corresponding to that indicated on your ticket.


The PROVIDER is responsible for economic transactions and enables the following forms of payment for an order:

We accept the following credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, regardless of the issuer and modality (credit/debit).

The ticketing system uses a secure server and the latest encryption technology.

The USER may use a discount coupon just before completing the purchase if received from the PROVIDER.

Security Measures

The website uses generally accepted information security techniques, such as SSL, data entered on a secure page, firewalls, access control procedures, and cryptographic mechanisms, all aimed at preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the USER agrees that the PROVIDER obtains data for the corresponding authentication of access controls.

The PROVIDER undertakes not to allow any transaction that is or is considered illegal by credit card brands or the acquiring bank, which may or has the potential to harm their goodwill or negatively influence them.

The following activities are prohibited under credit card brand programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that does not comply with all applicable laws to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, or Cardholder.


Basket (budget simulation)

Any service from our catalog can be added to the basket. In this, only the selected services, quantity, price, and total amount will be observed. Once the basket is saved, taxes, charges, and discounts will be calculated based on the entered data.

Baskets have no administrative connection, only a section where a budget can be simulated without any commitment on both sides.

From the basket, an order can be placed following the steps below for proper formalization:

  1. Check billing details.
  2. Check the method of service provision (download, activation…).
  3. Select the payment method.
  4. Place the order (buy).

Once the order is processed, the system sends an email to the PROVIDER’s management department and another to the USER’s email confirming the order within a maximum period of 48 hours.

Orders (purchase requests)

Within a maximum of 24 hours on business days, an email will be sent to the USER confirming the order status and the approximate download and/or activation date.


If any of these terms and conditions are deemed illegal, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining conditions.

NEVENTECH may, without notice, suspend or terminate the USER’s access to its services, in whole or in part, for any valid reason, including, without limitation, when the USER fails to comply or follow any of the obligations set forth herein or any applicable legal provision, license, regulation, directive, code of practice, or policies.

When NEVENTECH exercises any of its rights or powers under this Clause, such exercise will not prejudice or affect the exercise of any other right, power, or remedy available to NEVENTECH.


13.1 Once the ticket is purchased, its amount will not be changed or refunded, except for reasons provided by current legislation. The inability to attend an event or show or the commission of an error when purchasing the ticket(s) are not reasons for a refund. The user cannot exercise the right of withdrawal or resolution, in accordance with current regulations on consumer matters and the regulation of retail trade.

13.2 Cancellation. If a show is canceled (and not rescheduled), you will be offered a refund of the sale price of your ticket(s), including corresponding entry management fees. If a show is held over several days and one or more day(s) are canceled (but not all days that constitute the show), a partial refund may be made corresponding exclusively to the canceled day(s).

NEVENTECH, as a distributor, can only proceed with the cancellation of tickets and, therefore, the refund of their amount when it receives an express order from the event and/or show promoter in cases of cancellation, date change, etc.

13.3 Change of date. Unless otherwise indicated for a specific show, if the date is changed, you will be offered seats (subject to availability) of a value corresponding to your original tickets. If you cannot attend the show on the new date, you will be offered a refund of the sale price of your ticket(s), including corresponding entry management fees. You must inform us if you cannot attend the show on the new date within the deadline we set; otherwise, we may confirm your reservation for the new date, and you will not be entitled to a refund.

13.5 To request your refund, send your request in writing to: Neventech SL, Lugar Taibo, 1, 15160, Sada, A Coruña (or any other address we communicate to you). You must accompany your unused tickets and follow any other reasonable instructions we provide. For accounting purposes, we must receive your unused tickets within 28 days from the date of the canceled show.

In the event of cancellation, the refund may be made within fifteen days from the date of the public announcement of the show’s suspension. After this period, no refund will be accepted.

The refund of the ticket amount will be made automatically to the credit card* used for the purchase within approximately 3 to 15 business days. If you want to check the status of your purchase, access the “Purchases” section of your Nevent Wallet (*The refund is effective within 3 to 10 business days following the notice we provide. To verify the refund, you must check the statement of the bank card (debit or credit) used for the purchase.)

13.6 If you have purchased any item associated with a canceled, rescheduled, or substantially altered show (such as parking or travel), and your ticket amount needs to be refunded according to this clause 8, in addition to the purchase price of the item you bought from us, we will refund the entry management fees per item.

13.7 These General Purchase Conditions do not affect or will affect your legal rights as a consumer. For more information about your legal rights, contact the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety, and Nutrition (AECOSAN).

13.8 Unless sections 13.2, 13.3, or 13.4 apply, tickets cannot be exchanged or returned once purchased.


14.1 The venue reserves the right to deny admission in case of non-compliance by customers with any of the terms and conditions of the show, the Promoter, or for security reasons (including actions of crowd surfing, moshing, or non-compliance with any measures established to combat the spread of Covid-19). In these cases, customers will not be entitled to a refund. The venue will be obliged at times to conduct security-related consultations to ensure customer safety. The ticket or tickets are issued in accordance with the rules and regulations of the venue and the Promoter of the event. All details will be available to the user at the venue’s box office. The violation of any of these rules and regulations, or any other act that may cause harm, damage, or offense, will give the venue or the event Promoter the right to expel the user from the venue. In any case, Nevent recommends and refers the buyer to the rules established, in each case and for each event, by the specific Promoter of the event or show at any given time.

14.2 Every effort will be made to allow access during show intermissions to late arrivals, but admission cannot always be guaranteed.

14.3 There will be no exit or re-entry passes of any kind.

14.4 Unauthorized use of photographic and recording equipment is prohibited. Photos, videos, and/or recordings may be destroyed or deleted. Laser pens, mobile phones, dogs (except guide dogs), and customer’s own food and drink (should be checked with the venue) may also be prohibited.

14.5 Both you and other ticket holders consent to the recording of images and sound as part of the audience.

14.6 Prolonged exposure to noise can cause hearing loss.

14.7 A show may include special effects including, but not limited to, sound, audiovisual, pyrotechnic, or lighting effects.


15.1 If you have any doubts or complaints regarding your purchase, contact us, quoting your order number provided at the end of the ordering process, via email at

15.2 Since we sell items on behalf of the Promoters, we may need to contact them to gather more information before responding to your complaint. The resolution of some complaints may take up to 28 days, but we will contact you as soon as possible.

15.3 In case of any conflict, we will attempt to conduct consultations diligently or negotiate in good faith and try to reach a fair and equitable transactional agreement that is in the interests of all parties involved – you, us, and the Promoter.

15.4 In any case, you can also resort to the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform of the European Union to resolve any complaints you may have about your purchase at the following link:


These conditions will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law in what is not expressly established. Any dispute that may arise from the provision of the products or services subject to these Conditions will be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the USER’s domicile, the place of fulfillment of the obligation, or where the property is located if it is immovable.